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Camel and Pyramids

Architecture History and Theory

A chronological survey of the developments of Ancient architecture to Western architecture from the beginning of time to the period of Enlightenment, with consideration of the intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political and economic factors which have influenced the design of buildings. These issues are explored with reference to major contemporary examples and the work and philosophy of significant exponents.

Module Teaching Objectives 

The teaching objectives of the module are:

1. To deepen students’ understanding of architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships. 2. To examine a detailed account of the principal developments in the western world from ancient times to post-World War 2 and its relevance to Post Merdeka/Independence Malaysian architecture.

3. To examine architecture history through a chronological survey of the developments of Western architecture from the beginning of time to the Enlightenment, looking at the intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political and economic factors which have influenced architectural design.



The history of architecture traces the changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, overarching stylistic trends, and dates. The historical richness creates a very vibrant architectural fabric. However, many historical buildings may face the risk of being demolished to make way for more contemporary buildings. Thus, by recording, documenting and analysing the buildings, we can contribute to preserve the historical evidence of the valuable historical Architecture.

Learning Outcomes

1. Employ appropriate visual and verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, series and periods

2. Show the appropriate sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally.

3. Discover the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form.



The greatest architectural transformation followed Merdeka, or Independence in 1957. Kuala Lumpur and other parts of Malaysia were transformed from colonial towns into parts of the new nation and Kuala Lumpur became its capital. Proud symbols of nationhood were expressed in new and daring forms. Innovative construction techniques and industrialized components changed the scale of commercial buildings and enabled the erection of the first prominent buildings and sky scrapers that shaped the nations modern architectural scene. According to Ar. Chan Seong Aun, president of Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (2013-2015), most Malaysian architecture of the modern movement are not documented thoroughly and have not made the list of heritage buildings. The Subang airport for example has been replaced by a “non descript warehouse. It is therefore important that we properly record the heritage of Malaysian architecture before it is destroyed and lost forever. This research project adopts document analysis methodology that involves documenting, analyzing, producing, and a critical chronological and diagrammatical interpretation of Modern Malaysian architectural history. This project emphasizes critical analysis of the post Merdeka/Independence of Malaysian architecture in the effort to understand the influences of post-modernism to architectural design and construction, building science and technology, and urban design. The project is to distinguish the way in which many diverse factors contribute to the development of Modern Malaysian architecture.




In a group of 8, we were allocated to 2 of Malaysia's iconic heritage sites which are Carcosa Seri Negara as well as Holy Rosary Church KL. Through research conducted and understandings of building and architectural elements, we divided equally amongst 8 of us to create an infographic comparative report digitally. 

Learning Outcomes

1. Employ appropriate visual and verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, series and periods.

2. Show the appropriate sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally.

3. Discover the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form.


for this semester we were introduced to virtual badges which we could obtain by completing certain tasks such as submissions, online quizes and tutorial assesments.

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Through the whole 14 weeks of the semester, it was indeed challenging to go through this module online through platforms such as zoom, facebook and teams but with a little effort in trying to understand how these platforms work, it became far easier. Interestingly, this module, Architecture history and theory has intrigued me by exposing me to the beauty of architecture all around the world and not just from my home country.

This module has also taught me alot about the special concepts and architectural values of not only the present day modern world but also the ancient and progressing world.

With this useful information, it will certainly be useful in the future by relating or learning from past mistakes and past accomplishments.


I would like to thank all my tutors, lecturers and the module coordinator for conducting an amazing and beneficial class and i certainly appreciate their efforts,


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